Winner of a Numismatic Literary Guild “Extraordinary Merit” award! Take a personal guided tour of the gold market with two of America’s best-known specialists. Jeff Garrett and Q. David Bowers show you how to sell your gold without losing your shirt; how to make smart decisions when you buy gold; the best kinds of gold to invest in; traps and pitfalls to avoid; how to grade collectible gold coins; and much more.
In the revised and updated fifth edition of 100 Greatest U.S. Modern Coins, two distinguished numismatists, Scott Schechter and Jeff Garrett, take you on a personal guided tour of the most significant modern U.S. coins. Rigorous research and careful voting have led to widespread changes in the ranking, with many new—and some surprising!—additions.
With over 25 million copies sold, A Guide Book of United States Coins—the world’s #1 best-selling price guide and numismatic reference—returns better than ever in its completely reimagined and redesigned 79th edition.
The best-selling, award-winning 100 Greatest U.S. Coins takes the reader on a personal guided tour of our nation’s coinage. The newly ranked coins of the sixth edition are both prized rarities and readily available, popular coins-from the unique high-valued pieces of collector's dreams, like the 1913 Liberty Head Nickel, to the 1909-S V.D.B. cent.
There has never been a better time to explore the wonderful field of United States gold coinage-and the Encyclopedia of U.S. Gold Coins 1795-1933 is your passport to that exploration. Full Color. 656 Pages. By Jeff Garrett and Ron Guth, forward by Dr. Richard Doty.