US Gold Coins Coming Home
US gold coins have been a fascination of mine since the start of my career in the 1970s. Back then, there was a high demand and a significant premium over gold spot prices for common date US gold coins. We [...]
2020-12-23T09:27:42-05:00By Jeff Garrett|Articles by Jeff Garrett|
US gold coins have been a fascination of mine since the start of my career in the 1970s. Back then, there was a high demand and a significant premium over gold spot prices for common date US gold coins. We [...]
2020-09-21T15:53:43-04:00By Jeff Garrett|Articles by Jeff Garrett|
Years ago, Charles Anderson, owner of Whitman Publishing, began a collection of US Pattern coins. The collection grew into one of the most complete ever assembled. That collection sold intact to the mega-collector Bob R. Simpson in 2007 for over $30 million — the [...]
2020-09-03T15:52:14-04:00By Jeff Garrett|Articles by Jeff Garrett|
Consider Collecting Colonial Coins A few weeks ago, NGC announced that it had recently certified hundreds of additional colonial coins from the extraordinary collection assembled by Donald G. Partrick. NGC had certified about 350 colonial coins from the collection in 2014, and [...]
2021-01-08T11:05:55-05:00By Jeff Garrett|Videos by Jeff Garrett|
2020-08-14T10:38:07-04:00By Jeff Garrett|Articles by Jeff Garrett|
The August sales that took place without the annual ANA show demonstrated a strong demand for quality coins By Jeff Garrett for Numismatic Guaranty Corporation (NGC) …… Last week should have been the highlight of my numismatic year. Every summer since 1974, I [...]
2020-07-15T12:54:09-04:00By Jeff Garrett|Articles by Jeff Garrett|
Markets are being tested by the COVID-19 crisis; so far, the rare coin market is passing The internet has been one of the most significant driving forces for numismatics since the late 1990s. Indeed, the hobby has been forever changed [...]
2020-03-27T10:17:39-04:00By Jeff Garrett|Articles by Jeff Garrett|
The numismatic market is alive and well, with recent auctions proving its strength and resilience. As I write this article, most rare coin professionals and collectors around the world are sheltered in trying to weather the effects of the coronavirus [...]
2020-03-24T15:22:04-04:00By Jeff Garrett|Articles by Jeff Garrett|
There is no denying that we in America are currently consumed by media coverage of coronavirus. The slow drip of bad news accelerated last week when the stock market plunged due to fears of shutdowns and deep economic damage. Anyone [...]
2020-03-24T15:26:49-04:00By Jeff Garrett|Articles by Jeff Garrett|
Very few United States coins inspire the awe and fascination of the 1879 and 1880 $4 gold coins, otherwise known as “Stellas”. These enigmatic coins are far beyond the financial reach of most collectors. But that hasn’t stopped the Stella [...]
2020-03-24T13:45:13-04:00By Jeff Garrett|Articles by Jeff Garrett|
Spring is fast approaching and for many that means a trip to our nation’s capital to see the cherry blossoms and to visit the many free Smithsonian Museums. There will also be millions of young people taking the traditional eighth [...]